Tuesday, November 16, 2010

aarti puri hot pics

By birth we are Hindus and we shall remain Hindu till death. But as dvija (twice-born), by virtue of our sacramental rebirth we are Catholics, we are members of the indefectible communion embracing all ages and times. In customs and manners, in observing caste and social distinctions, in eating and drinking, in our life and living we are genuine Hindus, but in our faith we are neither Hindu nor European, nor American nor Chinese, but all-inclusive....
The test of being a Hindu cannot therefore be in religious opinions. Yet, we have drunk of the spirit of Hinduism... We agree in spirit with Hindu law-givers in regard to their teaching that sacramental rites (samskaras) are vehicles of sanctification.
With wondering reverence do we look upon their idea of establishing a sacred hierarchy vested with the highest authority in religious and social matters....
Upadhyay was the composer of the hymn Vande Saccidananda ("Saluting the Holy Trinity") and today widely sung during vernacular services in Christian Churches all over India:

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